In the community
Community Drum Class
RAA launched its long awaited Community Drum Class in Fall of 2015.
The class is currently held on Monday nights at 7:30pm at Kaos Network. Check our calendar for current schedule.
Westside children's center 23rd annual arts festival
RAA was very proud to be part of the Westside Children's Center Art Festival this year. We had a great time doing a performance for all the families in attendance and leading a drumming workshop for the youth!
Community Performances
RAA performs at least once a quarter for the greater community of Los Angeles. We offer integrated West African drum and poetry shows to the public.
Among our most recent community events have been a Community Dounounba Celebration in collaboration with Kahlil Cummings & Jahanna Blunt as well as community Open Mics in collaboration with Street Poets.
For a listing of our current community events, please see our calendar.